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Kazoku Haha to Shimai no Kyousei 1

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Kazoku Haha to Shimai no Kyousei

Alternative Name:
Kazoku: Haha to Shimai no Kyousei, Kazoku ~Haha to Shimai no Kyousei~, 家属 ~ 母 と 姉妹 の 嬌声 ~ 無 防備 な 美 義 母 ・ 乙 葉 ~ 浮 き 上 が る ネ グ リ ジ ェ ~ (仮)

Based on the Bishop visual novel.

The main character, Itsuki Watase unexpectedly got a new mother and two sexy sisters Nagisa and Fuka. And all due to the fact that his father decided to marry again in his old age. At first, Itsuki builds close friendly relations with his new family, but over time, our hero begins to understand the charm of close contact with three sexy girls in the same house. The lust of our hero haunts him and drives him crazy. One night, he found his half-mother, Watase Otohu, dozing on the couch. Itsuki, without hesitation, decided to pester her a little and enjoy her mature seductive body.

Kazoku Haha to Shimai no Kyousei

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